
Be grateful for fun times【感激那些快乐的时光】You gotta let go of that stuff from the past, couse it just doesn’t matter【学会放手,让过去成为过去】Patience is a virtue【耐心是一种美德】I wouldn’t give up being myself for even one second【时刻坚持做最真实的自己】It’s hard to like someone when you don’t like yourselves.【爱人就是爱己】There are no shortcuts in life【生活没有捷径可走】You can’t just walk away from thing【逃避解决不了问题】Suffering builds character【苦难塑造品格】As summer turns to fall, the forest enters a magical golden period【秋日到,森林一派金黄景象】Music is the medicine of a troubled mind【音乐是治愈心灵的良药】All good things must come to on end【一切美好终将逝去】We should all just be who we are【做最真实的自己】Diligence is the mother of good luck【越努力越幸运】Don’t worry too much about what people think【别太在意他人的想法】I’m with you every step of the way【我会一直在你身边】Success is about preparation and planning【成功在于做好准备和规划】Everybody deserves to be loved【每个人都值得被爱】A little confidence is always good【带点自信是好事】Nothing could ever replace you【你是无可替代的】You can’t let the past define who you are【别用过去来定义你自己】You learn to appreciate what you have【学会珍惜你所拥有的】Whatever the future brings, you are my light【无论未来如何,你永远都是我的光】You have your entire life in front of you, that’s something to be thankful for【来日方长,要心怀感恩之心】You are in control of your own life【你的人生自己主宰】The shortest answer is doing the thing【行动是最直接的回答】



