
非遗节来啦 | 7th Int'l Festival of Intangible Cultural Heritage opens
非遗节来啦 | 7th Int'l Festival of Intangible Cultural Heritage opens





非遗节来啦 | 7th Int'l Festival of Intangible Cultural Heritage opens
非遗节来啦 | 7th Int'l Festival of Intangible Cultural Heritage opens
非遗节来啦 | 7th Int'l Festival of Intangible Cultural Heritage opens
非遗节来啦 | 7th Int'l Festival of Intangible Cultural Heritage opens

本届非遗节以“传承多彩文化 创享美好生活”为主题,设立1个主会场和28个主题分会场,来自86个国家的1100余个非遗项目5600余名代表将共襄盛会,开展国际展览、国际论坛、国际竞技、国际展演和互动体验等各类活动540余场。

The 7th International Festival of the Intangible Cultural Heritage opened on October 17 in Chengdu and will last till October 22. With the theme of “Inheriting Colorful Culture, Creating a Better Life”, the festival displays over 1, 100 projects of intangible cultural heritage from 86 countries and hosts more than 540 international conferences, forums, ICH competitions and other activities.

非遗节来啦 | 7th Int'l Festival of Intangible Cultural Heritage opens
非遗节来啦 | 7th Int'l Festival of Intangible Cultural Heritage opens
非遗节来啦 | 7th Int'l Festival of Intangible Cultural Heritage opens
非遗节来啦 | 7th Int'l Festival of Intangible Cultural Heritage opens
非遗节来啦 | 7th Int'l Festival of Intangible Cultural Heritage opens


At the opening ceremony, over 40 teams from home and abroad took part in performances showcasing the intangible cultural heritages. During the festival, 64 performance teams from 21 countries will put on show the charm of intangible culture. Various themed exhibitions will take place at venues during the period of the festival.

非遗节来啦 | 7th Int'l Festival of Intangible Cultural Heritage opens



非遗节来啦 | 7th Int'l Festival of Intangible Cultural Heritage opens
非遗节来啦 | 7th Int'l Festival of Intangible Cultural Heritage opens
非遗节来啦 | 7th Int'l Festival of Intangible Cultural Heritage opens
非遗节来啦 | 7th Int'l Festival of Intangible Cultural Heritage opens

非遗传承助力脱贫攻坚和乡村振兴成果展,以全国和四川省内各地区以所采取的“非遗+扶贫”工作路径和取得的实践成果为主,向观众展现其独特的非遗文化和雄厚的非遗力量,国际传统手工艺展呈现国际非遗的多姿多彩,非遗创意设计作品授权展、非遗动漫沉浸体验展为观众展现非遗跨界的新场景,“美食之都”乡村美食节和“百年匠心 非遗多彩”经典车第一印记展也同时开展。




非遗节来啦 | 7th Int'l Festival of Intangible Cultural Heritage opens


By GoChengdu

成都发布编辑 北小花

Edited by Bei Xiaohua

