
原创 Dingchao 阿尔法医学英语 前天




Fig. 1 The components of the ECG complex






The first human ECG, recorded by Waller in 1887 with Lippmann’s capillary electrometer, revealed only 2 deflections. Being a physiologist, Waller labeled the waves as one would expect a physiologist to do: he used letters that suggested the anatomic parts of the heart that produced them. Accordingly, he labeled the 2 waves V1 and V2 to indicate ventricular events.


Einthoven, using a Lippmann capillary electrometer, also obtained tracings with 2 waves made by the ventricles and labeled them A and B. When Einthoven later recorded atrial excitation with an improved Lippmann electrometer, Waller labeled the newly discovered deflection with an A to indicate it was produced by the atria.


Einthoven, who had already used A to label the first ventricular event, used P to designate the record made by the electrical activity produced by the atria. His labeling of the primitive tracing was then mixed: A and B, the first letters of the alphabet, were used to indicate ventricular events, and P, from near the middle of the alphabet, was used to indicate atrial events.



When Einthoven used the letter P, he was undoubtedly thinking about Descartes’ use of the letter P to designate a point on a curve. Waller, however, refused to use the new labels.


The ECG recorded by Einthoven with an even more refined Lippmann capillary electrometer showed 4 deflections. Einthoven labeled these waves ABCD. He eliminated the letter P, shifted the letter A to indicate electrical activity of the atria, and used B to designate the first downward deflection produced by electrical activity of the ventricles. He used C to designate the first upward wave and D to identify the last upward wave produced by electrical activity of the ventricles.


Einthoven developed a mathematical formula that compensated for the inertia and friction of the mercury column in the capillary tube of the refined Lippmann electrometer. In 1895 he published an illustration that showed his mathematically corrected curve superimposed on the uncorrected curve made by the refined Lippmann capillary electrometer.



Fig. 2 Einthoven wanted to show the difference in the 2 curves

Because he used ABCD to indicate the waves in the uncorrected tracing, he was forced to find other letters to label his corrected curve, which he superimposed on the uncorrected tracing. He chose PQRST. One attractive hypothesis is that Einthoven chose these letters because Descartes had used them to identify successive points on a curve.







electrocardiogram/electrocardiography,ECG/EKG 心电图

P wave / QRS complex / ST segment / T wave P波/QRS波群/ST段/T波

PR interval / QT interval PR间期/QT间期

胸abcd大小参照表(胸abcd大小参照表水果)400c93874f32bbdb40ea~tplv-tt-large.image?x-expires=1996730173&x-signature=S%2Bf3A%2F%2FY0sF0b3lAJg9m45t0JAY%3D” img_ img_ inline=”0″ alt=”心电图的P、T、QRS、U名称是怎么来的?” onerror=”javascript:errorimg.call(this);”>


limb leads (I, II, III, VR, VL, VF) 肢体导联

augmented limb leads (aVR, aVL, aVF) 加压肢体导联

chest leads (V1–V6) 胸导联

the cardiac axis 心电轴

right axis deviation / left axis deviation 心电轴右偏/心电轴左偏

right / left atrial enlargement 右/左心房肥大

biatrial enlargement 双心房肥大

right / left ventricular hypertrophy 右/左心室肥厚

biventricular hypertrophy 双心室肥厚

myocardial ischemia 心肌缺血

myocardial infarction 心肌梗死

sinus rhythm 窦性心律

sinus arrhythmia 窦性心律不齐

sinus arrest 窦性停搏

sick sinus syndrome, SSS 病态窦房结综合征

sinus tachycardia / bradycardia 窦性心率过缓/过速

ventricular tachycardia 室性心动过缓

premature contraction 期前收缩

bigeminy / trigeminy 二联律/三联律

escape rhythm 逸搏心律

atrial flutter, AFL 心房扑动

atrial fibrillation, AF 心房颤动

atrioventricular block, AVB 房室传导阻滞

first / second / third degree block Ⅰ/Ⅱ/Ⅲ度传导阻滞

right / left bundle branch block 右/左束支传导阻滞

pre-excitation syndrome 预激综合征

这篇文章文章还讲了心电图后Einthovn时代发现的Delta波、Osborn波、Epsilon波的命名来历,感兴趣的读者可以点击阅读原文下载文章阅读(密码: i3bd)。


J. Willis Hurst. Naming of the Waves in the ECG, With a Brief Account of Their Genesis. Circulation. 1998;98:1937-1942.

John R. Hampton. The ECG Made Easy. Elsevier. 8th edition, 2013.





