

1. 由《英语周报》口语主播丁浩主讲,着重讲解48个国际音标中易混音标、易错音标的正确读法。

2. 音频课程,共9个课时,音融于词,词融于句。

3. 粉丝优惠价39.9元,少喝一杯奶茶就能拥有。


1. 由《英语周报》口语主播丁浩主讲,每节课5分钟,只讲一个音标,让你迅速掌握每个音标发音要领。

2. 视频课程,身临其境,口型易模仿,48个音标48节课,轻松学习无压力。

I dreamed big dreams


I feel so strongly that the reason I’m here is I dreamed big dreams. I dream the kind of dreams that other people said would not be possible. I’m also living proof. This isn’t a Hollywood movie. I come literally from the other side of the tracks.


If you saw where I grew up, and we took a picture of it, the neighborhood, the setting, you say it’s not, it’s impossible that someone could come from there and get here. But it is possible. And not to sound too trite. It’s possible because we still live in a country where the entrepreneurial spirit is so alive and so well.


And anyone in this country, if you dream big and surround yourself with great people, and leave your ego at the door, and share a success with others, and have a little luck along the way, you can do anything.



But there will be people along the way, and I remember this, who will say to you, you know, you’re dreaming too big. It’s not possible. Those things just can’t happen. Don’t allow any one, friend, family, acquaintances, teacher, whoever it is, don’t allow anyone to tell you that what you are dreaming for yourself and your family is not possible.


It is possible. Don’t be one of those people 20 years from now are going to be walking around a nine-to-five job, miserable and angry and bitter, because you let your dreams get away from you, because you did not believe stronger, enough strongly enough, in yourself and what was possible. Don’t allow that to happen. This is an unbelievable time.


And I can’t encourage you enough to continue to think that things are possible and that your dreams can come true.




责编 | 杨宁

审稿 | 李栋

校稿 | 吕放


